Obatala Grove Project
The hometown of Obatala has been Ifon, Nigeria Africa for centuries. It is a center of culture and tradition. Still today, the King of Ifon (the Olufon) and the Obatala Grove keepers do a public procession every 5 days. There are also festivals honoring Obatala in Ifon-Orolu. Our children’s book Obatala's Daughter Discovers True Friends is set in Ifon.
Dr. Winmilawe has been a Chief (Oloye) in the Ifon-Orolu kingdom since 2001. She invites anyone to join her in supporting the maintenance and beautification of Ifon Obatala Grove. We support the structures AND the people—whose commitments keep this rich heritage alive!
*To contribute to the Obatala Grove Project you may donate to Dr. Winmilawe (please specify “Obatala Grove”).
Dr. Winmilawe has been a Chief (Oloye) in the Ifon-Orolu kingdom since 2001. She invites anyone to join her in supporting the maintenance and beautification of Ifon Obatala Grove. We support the structures AND the people—whose commitments keep this rich heritage alive!
*To contribute to the Obatala Grove Project you may donate to Dr. Winmilawe (please specify “Obatala Grove”).
Here are pictures from Ifon-Orolu, Nigeria, Africa--
courtesy of Egbe Aborisa’s Nigerian Ambassador Baba Adeniyi Elebuibon, 2019.
courtesy of Egbe Aborisa’s Nigerian Ambassador Baba Adeniyi Elebuibon, 2019.
These photos are a mixture of the 2019: Obatala Grove Project updates, palace areas, and crown festival. In addition to the King (Olufon) and Baba Niyi, we also see featured: Chief Aje, who is the head Obatala priest of Ifon.
We mourn the April 2021 passing of Oba (King) Adekunle Magbagbeola. He was the most recent King of Ifon/Olufon.
We also appreciate the preceding Oba (King) Ilufoye Orisatoyinbo. He was the Olufon for almost 2 decades prior to 2007. Iba se o—ancestor praises!
We mourn the April 2021 passing of Oba (King) Adekunle Magbagbeola. He was the most recent King of Ifon/Olufon.
We also appreciate the preceding Oba (King) Ilufoye Orisatoyinbo. He was the Olufon for almost 2 decades prior to 2007. Iba se o—ancestor praises!